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The Neonatal Intensive Care Uni

This department aims to provide state of the art tertiary care in child and newborn specialties. With the help of NICU and pediatric HDU of world class standards, it provides specialised care for sick newborns including very premature and extremely low birth weight babies. The department is supported by highly experienced pediatric surgeon with experience in dealing with all kind of congenital malformations and pediatric surgical emergencie.

Scope of Service

  • Emergency care of all sick neonates (in born and outborn) including care of ELBW(Extreme Low Birth Weight) babies and extreme preterm babies.
  • Non invasive and invasive ventilation support including High frequency Oscillation(HFO) Ventilato
  • Recieve all at-risk newborns delivered in this hospital for monitoring and treatment.
  • We promote developmentally supportive care for preterm neonates.
  • Early parental participation programme facilitating early discharge, promotion of direct breast feeding and reduction of hospital stay
  • Transfer of sick neonats from other hospital
  • Lactation councelling and support to all mothers to promote exclusive breast feeding.
  • Provide health education in care of normal newborns and for preterm baby care.
  • Provide neurodevelopement follow-up services to all high risk neonates.
  • Immunization services.
  • Paediatric surgical intervention for congenital deformitie
  • Universal hearing screening, Pulse oximeter for cogenitial deformities, Thyroid function screening
  • Therapeutic Hypothermia facility for asphyxiated neonates
  • 24X7 Availability of Expertise Doctors

Prematurity & Neonatal Care

Prematurity is when your baby is less than 37 weeks old at the time of birth from the time of conception. A term baby is porn at 38 to 42 weeks following the mother's last menstrual period. A premature baby is usually not fully developed, meaning some vital organs might not be functioning at optimal levels. Some may not be ready to operate at all, which is why these babies are placed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and cared for by specialists. It is perfectly normal to be concerned about this delicate situation; You are not alone. Globally 12.9 million babies (10% of the world birth population) are born prematurely each year.

Facilities Available

  • Radiant Warmer with Inbuilt Weighing Machine
  • HFO Ventilator (FabienTM)
  • Conventional Ventilators (SLE4000)
  • Bubble CPAP Machine (NeotechTM, F&PTM)
  • Oxygen Blender
  • LED Phototherapy Units
  • MiraCradleTM (Neonatal Cooling System)
  • Transport Incubator (PhoenixTM)
  • Embrace Nest (for transportation)
  • Cool white light (for arterial line insertion)
  • Transport Incubator (PhoenixTM)
  • NeopuffTM Infant Resuscitator
  • ABG Machine

  • Round the clock team of qualified, experienced Neonatologist & Pediatricians.

    Computerized monitors for measuring Blood pressure, Heart rate, ECG, Oxygen level in blood.

    Experienced nursing staff with Neonatal training.

The Backbone Neonatology

Dr. Jathin P is one of the few qualified neonatologist in the state with a post doctoral (DM) Degree in Neonatology. Having being trained from JIPMER, a hospital with huge turnover of sick and high risk neonatal population, he is adept at providing comprehensive neonatal care (neonatal resuscitation, critical care including care of extremely preterms and post surgical neonatal care, neonatal transport, and follow up of high risk new borns). He also has hands on experience with all modalities of neonatal ventilation including High frequency ventilation. His areas of special interests include neonatal critical care, point of care sonography and functional echocardiography, neuro-developmentally supportive care.

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